Even years after opening, Penicillin remains a stand-out in the Hong Kong bar scene for its focus on sustainability. Agung Prabowo and his team use cutting-edge techniques (centrifuging, infusion, fermentation, redistillation) to ensure that as little of an ingredient as possible goes to waste. Penicillin doesn't earn its spot here just for its green policies though. The drinks are intriguing from the get-go. Take, for instance, Hot, Flat & Crowded, which combines seemingly contrasting ingredients like mango custard gin, salted burnt butter and grilled purple cabbage cream soda into one flavoursome package. Or the enduring One Penicillin, One Tree, with white chocolate whisky, strawberry brine water, coconut kefir and avocado stones repurposed from a nearby restaurant. Not only is it delicious but each order of the latter sees a tree planted in Borneo.