Most high-end Japanese concepts that arrive in Macau do so as an overseas branch of an existing restaurant. Teppanyaki Shou is a rare original, delivering artful teppanyaki made from the finest ingredients rather than any Benihana-style kitsch. The leading chefs are all veterans of the Japanese hospitality industry. Executive chef Norihisa Maeda can count on an impressive 36 years of experience, and both chef de cuisine Fuminori Nakamura and sous chef Daisuke Ushimura have worked at top-tier restaurants in Japan. They craft their dishes with seasonal ingredients flown in daily from Japan, including Ishigaki Wagyu from Okinawa and delicacies from Hokkaido such as snow crab, scallops and sea urchin. With guests seated up close at the teppan counter, you can see the skills of the chef first-hand. Each dish is prepared with meticulous artistry and designed to showcase the sumptuous natural flavours of its ingredients.